Every child can be a mathematician!



Founded by an award-winning educator with many years of leading students to Mathematics proficiency and a history of coaching students to success on the SAT.
thinking woman in front of question marks written blackboard


Our rates are reasonably priced for the price-conscious parent.


Our tutors are committed to leading each student patiently from the path of confusion to understanding in a safe manner.


Ten percent of revenues are donated to a non-profit organization that has a shared-belief in our vision for educating children.

Over 15 years of experience in teaching Mathematics...

We focus on moving students from the concrete to the pictorial and finally to the abstract. Our word-problem solving protocol will enable your child to be successful in a relatively short-time. The aim is to have students learn the problem-solving protocol  which will enable them to solve non-routine problems.

Why choose us

Our Mission

The mission of Faithful Tutors is to provide test preparation, small group classes and one-on-one tutoring to students in Mathematics.  We believe highly effective test preparation and tutoring should be available to all.

Our Approach

Our concept derived from over 15 years of experience teaching Mathematics to students of various abilities and backgrounds in different grade levels.  The success of our students serves as the springboard for Faithful Tutors.

Our Commitment

We are committed to focus on Mathematics, thoroughly cover each topic, debunk myths and misconceptions, build confidence through mastery in a safe learning environment.

Students Testimonials


Learn Math
the fun way.

At Faithful Tutors we focus on test preparation, small-group classes, and 1-1 tutoring. Learning with Faithful Tutors is fun and addictive, fill the form to get started.